Vision Updates

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Vision Updates



Remaining capacity calculation

The remaining capacity calculation provides insight into the maximum still connectable PV or load per node.


Still whole tap positions in transformer controls

The tap position as a broken number is not desirable for everyone. In the options, under loadflow, there is an option to control whole tap positions.


Conductor temperature for lines

A conductor temperature for lines, to be entered in the options.


Synchronous generator in the Power generating module

A power generating module with synchronous generators can also be calculated.





Tap position as a broken number

The tap position is a broken number, so the load flow with voltage regulation and tactics controls the voltage exactly to the high or low voltage.

The input tap position can also be a broken number, although this cannot be specified through the transformer form, but can be specified through individual editing.


Unom at inverter

The inverter of PV and battery has an Unom. With the Snom, this can be used to calculate the Inom and the load rate as I / Inom * 100%.





Higher frequencies in frequency disconnection calculation

The calculation is also performed for frequencies between 51 and 52 Hz.


Individual editing improved

Individual editing has been sped up and there are two new menu items: column sort and set.

Individual editing is a rather unfamiliar functionality and can be accessed via Start | Edit | Individual. The idea is to edit in tabular form mainly volatile properties of objects. These are mainly powers.





Growth at generation and PV of transformer load

It is possible to let grow generation and PV of the transformer load by specifying a growth.


Number of at wind turbine

At wind turbine, a number of can be specified so that a group of wind turbines can be entered as one object.


Number of at asynchronous motor

For asynchronous motor, a number of can be specified so that a group of asynchronous motors can be entered as one object.


Asynchronous motor group deleted

The asynchronous motor group is deleted because asynchronous motor can be given a number.

Asynchronous motor groups in old network files are converted to asynchronous motors with a number of. "Number in operation" of the asynchronous motor group thereby becomes "number" of the asynchronous motor. "Number" of the asynchronous motor group expires and is no longer known. A "number in operation" of zero results in a "number" of one (the minimum), but the switch is opened.


Internal numbers replaced by GUIDs

Internal numbers, which were needed primarily to record relationships between objects in the Vision network file, have been dropped. In their place have come GUIDs. Each object has a unique, randomly generated, GUID. For example, a GUID looks like this: {0993B8C8-033F-4345-AF80-FDB160F0427D}.





More additional type files

It is possible to extend the default object types with two more user-owned object type files. The location of the additional files can be specified in the Options under File Locations. If type names appear in multiple files, the preferred type is the first read type. The data of the second type is then not read in.

It is also possible to easily activate and deactivate the type files.


General failure frequencies

In the options, under Calculation | Reliability, general failure frequencies for GLPK, non-GPLK and sleeves can be specified. These values are automatically applied in calculations for cables if this data is not specified for a specific cable (value is zero).


Vision.dsk exception concerning %appdata%

The exception mentioned under "New in Vision 9.6" for Vision.ini also applies to Vision.dsk.


Own load rate limit at transformer load

For a transformer load, an own normal maximum load rate percentage can be specified on the Connection tab. This percentage overrules the general limit in the options.


Possibly no short circuit contribution at asynchronous motor group

In analogy to the asynchronous motor, the asynchronous motor group may possibly have no short circuit contribution.


Reactive power/cos phi control selection at synchronous motor

The synchronous motor can also have a reactive power control.


Runtime tap positions are not modified

Runtime tap positions are no longer adjusted by a load flow with transformer controls. During the load flow, the tap positions are adjusted internally, but the result is no longer fed back to the runtime tap positions. For your information: the runtime tap positions are a copy of the input tap positions, then possibly adjusted by scenario items.


Shunt controls changed to P and Q controls

The loadfow setting "shunt controls" has been changed to "P and Q controls". And thus also extended to the P and Q controls of loads, PVs, wind turbines and batteries.

If "P and Q controls" is not checked, the P and Q of controlling elements are kept at their control value belonging to 1 pu voltage and 0 pu current.





Comparison of type names case insensitive

All comparisons of type names are case insensitive. Different spellings of, for example, Al and AL and Cu and CU result in a match.





Connection calculation

The connection calculation calculates the effect of opening or closing a switch in relation to the protections. Which protections appeal?

For this purpose, two load flows are done. The second applying the changed switch position of the selected branch or element.

The protections that invoke are detected. Since the timing aspect is not part of this calculation, we assume that triggering also leads to tripping.

The interesting aspect of this calculation is the operation of vector jump protection.


Refusing protections

Protections can refuse ad hoc by specifying it in the circuit breaker form on the Reliability tab.


"Info" at cable type

The cable type has a new property: Info. Here you can put free information, for example the article number.





New location for the options file

The options files Vision*.ini, the desktop file Vision.dsk, and the view and report definition files are now read from %Appdata%\Vision and stored there.

There is one exception for the options file. If an options file is located in the executable folder, then this options file will be used.


New MS cable types

The types file Types.xlsx provided contains Twenpower medium-voltage cable types. These are one- and three-core cable types with copper and aluminum conductor with sections from 16 to 1200 mm² at voltage levels from 6/10 to 36/50 kV.


Own load rate limits for cable and transformer

For a cable and transformer, own maximum load rate percentages can be specified on the Connection tab. These percentages override the general limits in the options.


Frequency protection

Frequency protection is available with the circuit breaker. This protection is not used in the ordinary protection calculations, but only in the frequency disconnection calculation.


Frequency Disconnection Calculation

This calculation performs load flows at different frequencies, applying the available frequency protections to disconnect parts of the network. This principle is also known as "Low Frequency Demand Disconnection."


Cost calculation improved

Cost calculation performs loadflows for the four dayparts and sums the results.


Calling Python from macros

From a macro, it is possible to call a Python command or Python script.





Save network file as set

When applying variants and/or scenarios, the set network can be saved as the base network via Variations | Save | Save as set.


Change voltage level

The voltage level of some selected nodes can be changed collectively via Start | Edit | Special | Voltage.





Data driven loadflow

The data driven loadflow determines the most probable grid condition (voltages, currents and powers) based on the measurements provided. In case of gaps in the measurement data, they can be filled in automatically using the built-in preprocessor.


Connection clock number at transformer

By connecting the phases to the terminals of a transformer differently than intended, the resulting clock number may be different from the type clock number. In this case, the connection clock number can be specified on the Connection sheet of the transformer form.


Measurement side of homopolar impedance at transformer type

For YY transformers, the measurement side of homopolar impedance can be w1 or w2. This can be specified at the transformer type. Automatic side determination has remained. Here Vision determines the most logical side.


Two additional set points in load-dependent voltage control for (special) transformer

The load-dependent voltage control has two additional set points: (P<<,U<<) and (P>>,U>>). The set points are now called (P<<,U<<), (P<,U<), (P>,U>) and (P>>,U>>). (P<<,U<<) and (P>>,U>>) can be (0,0) if not needed.


Capacities at three-winding transformer

The three-winding transformer has six capacities, to be filled in on the Connection sheet of the three-winding transformer form.


Related scenario(s) at variant

The related scenarios are automatically activated after user permission when the variant is activated.


Related variant(s) at scenario

The related variants are automatically activated after user approval when the scenario is activated.


Taking over variants

Multiple active variants can also be taken over into the base with Variations | Edit | Take over variant.


Taking over scenario(s)

One or more active scenarios can be taken over into the base with Variations | Edit | Take over scenario.


Contract at customer at node

Information about a customer's contract can be entered as text in the node form.


Q control in battery

The battery has a reactive power control with the sorts Q(U) and Q(P).


Five-minute profile

An internal profile can also be specified on a five-minute basis. There are two types: five-minute of one day and five-minute of weekday, Saturday and Sunday.


Changed behavior of scaling percentages

The four scaling percentages in the settings of loadflow and other loadflow-using calculations have a different behavior when specified as zero.

A scaling percentage of zero means that the element does not supply/absorb reactive power when it could possibly have done so at a real power of zero.

Practically, this means that the element is completely off at a scaling percentage of zero.

In a fault analysis or protection calculation, an element will also not contribute to the short circuit at a scaling percentage of zero.





Extra output at network comparison

Comparing two (the same) networks via Tools | Compare | Compare with network has been extended to report the differences in an Excel file.


Open network file from web

A network file can be opened from a cloud location via File, Open, Open from web.

A default location has been added in the options.


Option "Assessment priority" in failure analysis

This option sets the assessment priority of recovery, overload and overvoltage/undervoltage during switching. This allows problems to be accepted, in favor of recovery. However, this does not result in proper resolution.





Switchability calculation

The switchability calculation is based on the failure analysis in afternoon and evening situation. The results focus on switching ("omschakelen" in Dutch, but there is no English word for).


Earth voltage at voltage protection

Voltage protection also has a earth voltage and corresponding time.


Variant and scenario items more visible

The input forms on the "Variations" tab show the active variant and scenario items selected.

In the input forms, switching positions and powers that deviate from the input values due to active scenario(s) are shown with a yellow label. These actual values are thus active.





Icon at node

A node can be provided with an icon. This is a point symmetrical shape with a short text in it.


Export to Excel via an integrated Excel toolbox

All reports and exports to Excel go through an integrated Excel toolbox to an Excel file. So no more using Excel on your computer.

The Excel file is written in the temporary folder and then opened when you have Excel on your computer.


Reading in and importing from Excel via an integrated Excel toolbox

All imports from Excel are done via an integrated Excel toolbox. So no more using Excel on your computer.


One or two line header in the reports

This can be selected in the report settings. A one-line header has advantages when sorting.


Calculation Power park module renamed to Power generating module

The functionality has also been improved.


Macro command

Import: import an Excel file in the standard way.





Comparison of two networks improved

More properties of common objects are compared.


Calculation Power park module

The power park module assessment helps demonstrate that the reactive power of a Type B park meets grid code requirements.


Result colors revised

The result colors in the options have been revised and expanded.


Motor start scenario

In the load flow settings, a scenario can be selected that is active during the motor start.


Total-external profile at the transformer load

An external profile for a transformer load is now the total of the three components load, generation and PV.


Macro commands

Pseudomonitor: Calculation of the pseudomonitoring

Netcheck: Calculation of the netcheck

ExportResult: Export calculation results to Excel file

GetUsedRange: Ask range of a work sheet

Create: Create a new workbook

Pause: Pause the execution of the macro


All P and Q controls of load, PV and wind turbine collectively editable

Via Edit | Collective | Element.


Display the colors of the remembered results in the graph as well

Previously gray. Now gray when no special color, else that color.


Results of other calculations optional additional report

In the report settings, the checkbox for this is "Other calculations".





Improved result overview after load flow and network load

The results overview, accessed via Calculate | Results | Overview, has been expanded to include:

Highest and lowest voltage by voltage category

Highest voltage variation by voltage category

Highest load rating per object type (cable, transformer, element and transformer load)

Highest voltage exceedance (relative to the (individual) limit) by voltage category

Highest voltage variance overshoot in medium voltage

Highest load rate overshoot by object type (cable, transformer, element and transformer load)





Vector-jump protection

The vector-jump protection detects a sudden change in the angle of the voltage.


Conductor temperature for PILC and non-PILC

Two conductor temperatures can be entered in the options.


Normal situation and fault situation

In the settings of the load flow and network load, a choice can be made for normal situation or fault situation.

In the normal situation synchronous generators with "emergency current" do not participate.

In the fault situation, non-preferred elements do not participate.

The objects are colored afterwards according to the limits of the selected situation.


Earthing for asynchronous machine

The star point of an asynchronous generator or motor can be grounded.


Inverter power of PV as apparent power

The inverter power is now the apparent power. Previously the real power.





Copy and paste presentation properties

The presentation properties of one selected object can be copied to an internal clipboard using Start | Presentation | Copy.

Next, this clipboard can be applied to the presentation properties of selected objects using Start | Presentation | Paste.


Variant- and scenario-items importable

Variant and scenario items relating to an existing variant or scenario can be imported.






The netcheck helps to assess a request for a new load or generation.

The functionality of this first set-up will be expanded in the near future.

See: Netcheck.


Adding elements when importing

Elements can be added by putting "Name+" in the header.





Several variants and scenarios active at the same time

Several variants can be active at the same time.

Several scenarios can be active at the same time.

The date is detailed to date+time.


Adoption of one variant

One active variant can be copied into the base with Variations | Edit | Take variant over.


Third current transformer in the measuring field

The measuring field may contain three current measuring transformers.


Resistance symbol for line

The line can be drawn with a resistor symbol.


P(f) control for wind turbine, PV and load

The P(f) control can be used in load flow with islanding, where the frequency is calculated.


P(I) control for battery

The battery has a P(I) control.

Also, all P(I) controls have become directional.


tinput and toutput for most of the protections

Most protections have an input time and an output time.

The input time, also known as pickup time, is added to the setting time(s) and plotted as a result in the current-time graph.

The output time, also known as operation output time, is applied after tripping.

The t>, t>> en t>>> may now be zero, if the current is filled in. Internally, a minimum of 1 ms is used.


Creation time and mutation date

New objects are given a creation date time. The resolution of the time part is 10 µs. No duplicate creation date times are issued, for example when pasting a number of objects. This makes the creation date time unique within a network (and probably outside of it) and can be used to identify objects.

Modified objects (except by moving) are assigned a mutation date. Changes made on the creation date are not considered a mutation.

The creation date and the mutation date can be found on the Specifics sheet of the object forms.

Selecting on these dates can be done via Select | Special | Date.


Fragmented loadflow with profiles

The load flow can be calculated at fewer, possibly non-consecutive, times. For example, not every week, not every day, not every hour.


Take over switchover suggestion from failure analysis

A switch proposal can be adopted with Calculate | Results | Process.


Asymmetric breaking currents in IEC 60909

The asymmetric breaking currents are shown with the detailed results.





Protection tool improved

Improvements include automatic sequencing and the ability to remove a curve.


Colours suppressible according to normal limits

In the load flow settings, it is possible to skip result coloring according to normal limits, in case the network is configured according to a fault situation.


Macro commands

DeselectAll: deselect all objects

Break: jump out of a loop





Regulating transformers against the voltage limit

In the load flow settings it is possible to select a tactic for all transformer controls. This can be "high voltage" or "low voltage".

At "high voltage" all voltage regulating transformers regulate to the stage where the control voltage is as high as possible within the band.

At "low voltage", all voltage-regulating transformers regulate to the stage position with the lowest possible control voltage within the band.

The network load calculation can also make use of this facility. This tactic is available in the options, at Calculation, Presets.





Macro commands

SetSerialsAndFeedings: set serial numbers and feeding group numbers again

SetDirections: set direction numbers again

SetMeshes: set mesh values again

SetGroups: set group numbers again

FreezePanes: block titles in Excel

ExportGeo: export geografical data to Excel.


Accu control

The accu can be equipped with a controller to control charging and discharging. A P(U) control or P(t) control can be selected. The P(U) control overrides the commonly specified P and profile. The P(t) control also overrides these values, but only if the time is known.


Profile at PV of the transformer load

The PV in the transformer load has a profile. The profile scales the solar radiation.


Transfer tripping ability of circuit breaker depending on type of protection

The transfer tripping ability can be activated for each type of protection.


Load rate limits for PILC and non-PILC

PILC cables and non-PILC cables have their own load rate limits in the options at Calculation, Limits. Set these values right once!


Voltage variation checked

After a network load calculation or a load flow with profiles, the minimum and maximum achieved voltage per node are known. For medium voltage nodes, this variation is tested against a new value dUmax in the options, under Calculation, Limits. Nodes with an exceeded value get the high color.


Umin, Umax and dUmax at node

Per node, the voltage limits from the options can be overridden by specifying your own limits in the node form at Diverse, Limits.





Non-preferred element

A non-preferred element is switched off during switching in the fault analysis.

The value is set on the Reliability sheet of the element form.


Macro commands

CreateDir: Make a sub folder.

ForSelected: Execute a piece of macro for selected objects of a specified sort.


Motor start via autotransformer in IEC 60909 calculation

The secondary rated voltage of the special transformer can be used as voltage of the voltage source in case of short-circuits.


Network export in order of routing.

Sorting has been added to the export settings.


Easily adjust the distance between the nodes of a rail system.

By using the rail system form Temporarily graphically decoupled.


Calculate only one time at load flow with profiles.

By setting Choose timestamp in the loadflow settings.


Phase shift of a transformer as a scenario item parameter.

By selecting Phase shift at parameter.





Protection presence split into present and active

The protections at a circuit breaker have two "tick marks": present and active. The new possible status is therefore: present, not active. These protections are stored in the network file, but do not function.


P(I) control for wind turbine

The wind turbine has a new P-control, with which the power based on the current (actually load rate) in one, two or three branches can be regulated.

The P(I) control may occur at the same time as a P(U) control.


P-control for load

The load has two P-controls: P(U) and P(I). This allows the power to be reduced if the voltage drops or if the current becomes too large due to a selected measuring field.


Remembering and restoring switch states

The current switch states can be remembered and be reset a little later. This is done via Start | Edit | Special | Remember.


Even harmonics

Even harmonics can also be entered.


Vertical text at nodes

The text at a node can be set to vertical via the presentation sheet in the node form.


Better power output after load flow with profiles

Pmin and Pmax are reportable on elements. P1min and P1max are reportable on branches. The sign shows the power direction.

The P of branches and elements is also exported in the result export after load flow with profiles.





Unique specific values in the network export

When exporting a network to Excel with Tools | Data | Export an additional last worksheet Specifics is created, where all the specific charasteristics with their sorted unique values are exported. Note: this sheet consists of independent columns. In other words: the values in one row have no relation to each other.





Harmonics until the hundredth

The harmonics, contained in the harmonic type, can now be definied until the hundredth. Only odd harmonics are used in the harmonic calculations.


Harmonic voltage source at source

The source has a harmonic voltage source, where harmonic voltages can be entered.


k2, k3, k4 at differential protection

The differential protection has three new parameters, to add an extra threshold.


Operation output time at current protection

The current protection has an own time, that is applied after the tripping.


P(I) control at PV

The PV has a new P control.


Smin and Smax at source

The source has an optional Smin and/or Smax at which the by the loadflow calculated power is tested. The result is translated in a load rate between 0 and 200 %.


Notes quick (in)visible

In practice, notes are a a blessing and a curse. Notes could be made (in)visible via View | Adjust appearance, but now it can quicker via Ctrl+Alt+N.


Select at color

Objects can be selected at the color (of their presentation) via Start | Select | Object, Presentation.


Selecting modified

Selecting objects by dragging a rectangle with the mouse is changed when dragging from the left to the right. Objects have to be found completely inside the rectangle to be selected.





Wind turbine simplified

The wind turbine model has been greatly simplified and has complete P- and Q-control.


New load behaviour

Three new built-in load behaviours are available: Industrie (90% const. P, 15% const. Q), Zakelijk (35% const. P, 10% const. Q) and Wonen (30% const. P, 5% const. Q) ).


Arc protection

The arc protection has been added to the installation tab at a node. The installation only contains data for the arc flash calculation.

In the presence of an arc protection, the short circuit is switched off in a fixed short time.


Load-dependent voltage regulation with special transformer

The voltage regulation of a special transformer has been expanded from only compounding to also including load-dependent voltage regulation. The regular transformer already had this regulation.


Arc flash calculation according to new edition of IEEE 1584

The 2018 IEEE arc flash norm has been implemented.


More selection options

There are two new items at Start | Select:

Direction: The entire direction of the selected object or objects is selected. The sub-menu offers the possibility to select additional directions (on the other side of an open switch) as well.

Area: The entire area which is fed by the same source\transformer of ​​the selected object or objects is selected.




Adaption of IEC 60909

PV, wind turbine (lite and converter coupled) and accu are handled according to the new edition of the norm out 2016.


Isochronous control

Synchronous generators with isochronous control keep the frequency nominal in island mode (during the loadflow).


Active filter

The condensor can contain an active filter. An active filter injects harmonic currents (during the harmonic loadflow) to compensate the harmonic current through a measure field.





LSI relais

The current protection is extended with a new characteristic sort: LSI.


Inverse differential protection

The differential protection can also be equiped with an inverse characteristic.


Transfer trip switches at transfer trip ability

At the already existing transfer trip ability, transfer trip switched can be entered.


Extended blocking ability

At the already existing blocking ability, flexible combinations of protections can be made.





Alias for fuses

See Alias.


Symbols for remote control and remote indication of switches

The presence of remote indication and/or remote control is drawn with a small symbol on top of the load switch and circuit breaker.



In the options loading presets can be defined. For each preset the generation, load, PV and wind can be scaled independently of each other.


Normal open point optimisation with four presets

The optimisation of the normal open point estimate the energy losses with different loading situations. The four preset situations are night, morning, afternoon, evening.


Network load calculation

With a network load calculation a number of different loading situations are calculated for a single network..





Select specifics based on value

Objects can also be selected based on the value of the defined specifics. Start | Select | Specifics.




Additional properties for feeders

The enumeration of the feeders at a node has been extended with two new attributes per field: to and information.


Generation and PV at transformer load

The transformer load has been extended with two new generation items: generation and PV.

The specified generation is multiplied by the current generation percentage when performing a loadflow calculation.

The PV-power is multiplied by the current PV-percentage when performing a loadflow calculation.


Measurement unit on secondary side of a transformer load

A measurement unit can also be applied to the secondary side of a transformer load.


Own characteristics saved

The 'own' characteristics to be specified in Extra | Compare | Protections are now stored in the network file.


Generator and motor off as the generation percentage or the load percentage is equal to zero

If the generator or motor has a specified capacity, but in the load flow the generation percentage or the load percentage close to zero or zero, the generator or motor is also turned off.

Previously, reactive power control was still active.





Additional settings for loadflow

An own scaling percentage for wind turbines can be specified in the load flow settings.

With the load flow with internal profiles, a specific day can be selected, in addition to a certain week.

In addition, a larger time step can be chosen for a potential time step of a quarter and a half hour.





Select special extended

Two new items have been added to Start | Select | Special:

Remote indication: select nodes, circuit breakers and short-circuit indicators with remote status indication.

P measurement: select measurement fields with a power measurement.


Measurement graph in the measure field form has been improved

A choice can now be made between showing the graph as current or as power.

The graph can be shown as a bar graph or line graph (the line graph becomes a point graph, in case of a too large break).

The measurement data can be copied to the clipboard as text.





Measurement files and the calculated profile values plotted together in one graph

This can be done in the form of the measuring field. See Measurement unit.




P-control at PV

Het power can be controlled based on the voltage.


Fault resistance series for selectivity calculation changed

0 to 10000 Ohm and 0 to 1000 Ohm are deleted.

0 to 5 Ohm and 0 to 2 Ohm are added. Check your choice in the options!


Also measuring field as measuring point for differential protection

Except a circuit breaker, also a measuring field can be choosen at "Other measuring points".


Set simultaneousness with a power measurement

Except with a current measurement, also with a power measurement the simulaneousness via measuring field measurements can be set.


Formula of special current protection changed

The factor k is renamed to factor m. The extra time "e" is moved inside the brackets.


Sort field

At the enumeration of fields, at node, the sort can also be entered. There is a list to choose.


Sk" leading at source

The basic registration of the short circuit power is Sk". Formerly Ik". When copying a source to another voltage, the short circuit power is preserved.





Arc flash calculation

The Arc Flash module determines the energy that is emitted by the arc in case of a short circuit in an installation. Based on the arc energy the category of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is chosen. The module contains two methods of the arc flash calculations: according to the IEEE 1584 standard and according to the closed box text method of International Social Security Association (ISSA).


Differential protection at circuit breaker

The differential protection, formely a loose object, is accommodated at the circuit breaker.

The rail differential protection is accommodated at the node.


Earth fault differential protection

An earth fault differential protection can be entered at a circuit breaker.


Customer data at node

Customer data can be entered at the node.


Extended transformer voltage control

The voltage control of the transformer is changed and extended.

Umin and Umax are replaced by Uset (the average) and Uband (the difference).

Compoundering can be switched off at an opposite power direction.

A "load dependent" control is added.





Unbalance protection

An unbalance protection can be entered at the circuit breaker.


Thermal protection

A thermal protection can be entered at the circuit breaker.


Directional voltage protection

The voltage protection can be set power directional.





Dynamic analysis

Workspace: to analyze different scenario’s or to validate simulation results with external (measurement) data, variables can be saved or imported to the workspace. Those variables can now be used during the session to be compared with the other workspace variables or with current simulation data.

Building-up linear electrical network: internal adjustment to speed-up the process, mainly during analysis of large networks.

Initialization procedure: time domain initialization for determining the initial operating point.

Cable model: possibility to represent a cable by T-model or π-model consisting of one or multiple sections.

Tan(Delta) snubber resistors of cable: possibility to set snubber resistances (parallel to shunt capacitances of a cable) based on tan(delta) value.

Power System Stabilizer (PSS) model: the function of a PSS is to damp oscillations in the network by adjusting the excitation of the synchronous generator.


Stability Analysis

As consequence of a disturbance or a normal change of operating point in a system, the system will show a transient response. The system is considered to be stable if oscillations in this response damp out after certain time period of time and a new stationary state is reached. A system is unstable in case if these oscillations do not damp out or even continue to grow with time. This can have serious consequences and, in the end, result in a blackout. Stability Analysis module determines based on the eigenvalues whether the system is stable or not. In literature this type of analysis is referred as ‘small-signal stability analysis’.



New in Vision 8.7


IEC 61363

The calculation of short-circuit current according to IEC 61363 standard: “Electrical installations of ships and mobile and fixed offshore units – Procedures for calculating short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c.”.


Improved inverter control at PV

The inverter at PV has and extended Q(P) control and also a Q(U) control is possible.


Dynamic Analysis

zigzag grounding transformer;

input form for control systems of synchronous generator;

reactive power and power factor control (synchronous generator);

turbine and governing system (synchronous generator);

neutral point grounding of elements (choice between isolated, grounded and grounded via impedance neutral point).



New in Vision 8.6.3


Reliability calculation improvements

The remote control is reviewed. This leads to extra phases in the restauration process: isolate remote, switch in remote, switch over remote.


Pseudomonitor improvements

Adding an external profile is possible. The format is the same as an external profile at the loadflow.

The correction algorithm works according to actual power instead of nominal power.

A second, extended export is generated.


Failure analysis improvements

Maze detection: Mazes are not allowed.

Automatic source behind subnet border: at "loose" nodes behind subnet borders an invisible source is added, during the calculation.

Not available use: report of the power of (transformer) load that are connected to not available nodes.

Switch actions colored: when calculating for one object, the switch over branches are colored in the attention color.



New in Vision 8.6.1


More fault sorts at the same time at Protection - Selectivity

The protection selectivity calculation can calculate more fault sorts in the same run.



New in Vision 8.6


Units in external profiles

The external profiles for load flow, need no longer contain only factors. Depending on the parameter, the values can be specified ​​in V, kV, A, A, VA, kVA, MVA, W, kW, MW, var, kvar, Mvar, m/s, pu,% and ‰ percentage points.


Sun intensity in PV replaced by scaling

The property "sun intensity" in W/m² is replaced by "scaling" in ‰.

Because both variables have a nominal value of 1000, nothing changes in the input and calculation.


Load and generation scale collective in the load flow

Through three percentage in the load flow settings, all loads, generations and PVs can be additional scaled.


Link to Gaia

From a node in Vision, a Gaia-network can be opened in Gaia. The calculated short-circuit power in Vision is passed to the source in Gaia.

In the options, the Gaia network files folder must be specified.


Parallel processing

The load flow with n-1 / n-2 and the load flow with profiles are fitted with parallel processing.

This can optionally be disabled in the settings.


ArgDir at directional protection replaced by RCA

The to be specified direction angle is turned 90 degrees. The "relay characteric angle" is now asked. This is the direction in which the relay "maximal" works.

RCA := ArgDir + 90 for current protections. The default RCA is 45 °.

For earth fault protections, the direction is reviewed, leading to RCA := ArgDir - 90. The default RCA is 0 °.


Snom at accumulator replaced by C-rate

The C-rate is more or less equivalent to Snom. The C-rate is the maximum rate at which the battery may be charged and discharged.


Loss split into no-load and load losses at the cost calculation

The energy loss is splitted into no-load and load loss.


Two blocks of text at elements: at the node and at the symbol

An element now has two text blocks: one initially at the node and one initially at the symbol. In the first block/line is only the field number. In the second block is any other text. Obviously the position can be adjusted by dragging the cubes.



New in Vision 8.5.2


Zoom next selected object

With View | Zoom | Zoom selected | Next selected object at this sheet you can zoom in at the next selected object. The shortcut is 7.


Scrolling while dragging

If you reach the border of the window, while dragging, the network automatically scrolls in that direction.


Harmonic wave graph

After the harmonic loadflow, a wave graph is available per object, reachable via detailed results, button Graph.


Decreasing short circuit contribution of engines

De contribution of generators and motors immediately after a short circuit is Ik".

This contribution decreases in the time.

In protection calculations, where the time is known, the admittances of generators and motors are recalculated at specific times, namely at 20, 50, 100 and 250 ms. The factors µ and q of IEC 909 are applied

So, the protection calculation generates extra sequences, at which no protection switches off. This is only done when necessary.



New in Vision 8.5


Efficiency type at accumulator and PV

De effciency of the PV is taken into a efficiency type.

Also for the charge effciency and the discharge efficiency of the accumulator.

The efficiency type consists of a name with 5 input values in pu and 5 accompanying output values in %.


Date and time at PV removed

The specification of a certain time at a PV is removed.

The PV works maximal, scaled with the sun intensity.

During a loadflow with time related profiles, the time is still taken into account to calculate the radiation.


Separation at load switch

A load switch can be drawed as a load separator (load switch+separator(s)) or separator.

The new attribute "separators or separation" causes the drawing of the separator line.

If Ik,make is zero, the load switch symbol is not drawn, if separator is checked.


Year and failure frequency at sleeve

The sleeves in the cable have extra attributes: year and failure frequency.


More fault sorts at the same time at Protection - Simulation

The protection simulation can calculate more fault sorts in the same run.


Changes in Types.xls(x)

The efficiency type is added.



New in Vision 8.4.1


Some small improvements

k-factor calculation, at the harmonic loadflow.

"Function" added to node properties.

"Z1 -> Z0" in the transformer form.

Short circuit power of the source also as impedance.

Drawing transformer load as load, via the options.



New in Vision 8.4


Variable objecttypes filename

The name of the objecttypes file is no more limited to Types.xslx. The name of the file, instead of the folder, has to be specified in the options.


Transformer control at other node

A transformer control can control the voltage at another node.


Tangens delta

The diëlektrical losses in the cable can be calculated in the loadflow, because the tangens delta is added to the characteristics of the cable type.


Generous customers

A new customer category is available at the (transformer)load.


Dynamic analysis

The dynamic analysis is available.



New in Vision 8.3.3


Report of specifics per characteristic

Specifics get their own column per characteristic in the reports if the item "Specifics per characteristic" is choosen in de report definition.


Scenario-items import

Scenario-items can be imported. See Importeren.



New in Vision 8.3 anD 7.8



A new element is added: PV, or solar panel.

A PV consists of maximal three panels and an invertor.

The current generation is calculated on the basis of the entered sunintensity and the date and time.


Solar panel tool

De proceeds of a solar panel is dependent of the placing of it and the actual sun situation. These two items are combined in a tool that can be started with Extra | Tools | Solar panel.


Parameter calculation indication

The component parameters are used by different calculations. The labels of the parameters are marked in the component forms by means of a blue color, when they are (optionally) used in the quick calculation.

The user is thus not busy discovering information that Vision does not require for the calculation.

This indication can be switched on or off in the options.


Subnet borders extended

The subnet borders have been extended with a recording of the two feeding sources on both sides of a border. This is free text in the input form of a cable, link or connection, in which the name of the supplying substation can be put, for example.

In the diagram the subnet border can be extended drawed by an attention triangle and mentioning of the supplies. This attention triangle can be switched on or off in the options.

The semi-automatic setting of subnet borders via Edit, Special, Subnet border provides support in detecting subnet borders and determining the feeding sources.

Potential subnet borders and associated supplies can be easily incorporated here.


Select feeding route

The shortest route (smallest number of branches) from a node or element to a source can be selecterd with Start | Select | Feeding. Select one node or element first.


Three macro-commands

Put: with Put a series of cells from one of the two-dimensional arrays is copied to a sheet of the workbook output.

Get: with Get a range of cells in a worksheet from one workbook is copied to an internal array.

Route: with Route all objects in a route between two nodes or elements are selected.


Reactive power limit tactic at synchronous generator

The boundaries of the reactive power of a synchronous generator can except Qmin and Qmax also be specified more variable. For this, the reactive power limit tactic is introduced, shown as 'Qlimit' in the form. Possible choices are: constant, automatic and own.

When selecting automatic or own an additional Control tab appears. When selecting "automatic", the curve is automatically determined from a number of input parameters. When selecting 'own' you can specify the curve yourself.


Current protection direction at a two phase fault improved

The determination of the current direction at a direction-sensitive current protection is improved.

Previously it was always determined per phase, based on  Uf/If.

Now, first the fault sort is determined on the basis of a plurality of phase current and phase voltage comparison rules. When a two-phase error is detected, the direction is determined on the basis of the voltage difference divided by the current difference.

This works similarly to the direction determining of the distance protection. The distance protection has a fixed direction angle of -45 °, while the direction angle of the current protection must be entered.



New in Vision 8.2 AND 7.7


Reactance coil only in R, X and Inom

The type data of a reactance coil could be specified as Snom, uk, Pk or R, X, Inom. Because first mentioned set is not usable, this possibility is extincted.


Earth response time at short circuit indicator

The earth setting of the short circuit indicator has a own response time. At protection calculation with one fault, this setting is used. This calculation shows indicating indicators.


Text color and style

Per object presentatiion the text color and the text style can be choosen at the tab ‘Presentation’ of the input form. For the text style all combinations of bold, italic and underlined are possible.


Note movable

The note is movable by dragging it with pressed left mouse button. The position is stored in the network file.


One and a half percent growth

A growth of 1,5 % per year is standard available.


Report to Word

A report can also be send to Word. This is more suitable for small reports, also in length as width.



New in Vision 8.1.4 AnD 7.6.4


Island detection changed

Parts of the network that are not connected with a source are normally "in island".

From now these parts are no longer in island if they are connected with a synchronous generator with voltage control and frequency power control (f/P static). They automatically attend all calculations.



New in Vision 8.1.3 AND 7.6.3



A network fragment can be stored using: Start | Store | Save.

Stored fragments may repeatedly be retrieved from the store to add to any place in the network, using: Start | Store | Take.

These actions are similar to copy and paste, but the objects in the "store" are permanently available.


Types check

The available object types can be checked for basic errors. From the Type viewer, button "Check".


Selectivity graph

The protection selectivity of an object can be presented in a graph, summarising selectivity and whether a fault will be switched off or not.


Macro command ShowNetwork

Using this command, a network that has been altered by a macro will be displayed in de graphical editor.



New in Vision 8.1 AnD 7.6


No short-circuit contribution from synchronous motor

It can be specified that a synchronous motor does not contribute to a short-circuit. In that case, the motor behaves as a general load. This can be specified on the "connection" tab.


Fields at node

For nodes, fields/bays can be defined, by specifying their names on the tab "specials". The fields names order should match the order of the real fields.

When the field names have been specified, each branch and element can be assigned to the fields. For a node with a complete field assignment, the bus bar currents can be calculated for a load flow and a protection calculation.


Reference earth point for external earthing

A node can contain an earthing point, that may serve as a common grounding point for star points of several components. Using this, the star points of a synchronous generator, synchronous motor, capacitor, shunt coil, zigzag coil (grounding transformer) and transformer can be connected to the common ground.


Voltage transformer as type

The voltage transformer parameters have been combined into a type. The parameters are: name, transformer ratio, class and rated power.


Second stage for differential protection

The differential protection has a second stage for difference current and a time. The differential protection trips if the sum of the complex currents is larger than a threshold value. An optional additional condition is that the sum of the complex currents is a factor k1 larger than the sum of the absolute currents.


Extended protection indication

In the circuit diagram, each protection device on a circuit breaker is represented by a little transverse line on the circuit breaker symbol. For directional sensitive relays, this line points into the corresponding direction.


Protection blocking ability

A protection device on one circuit breaker may block another protection device on another circuit breaker. On the circuit breaker form "General" tab this can be defined by ticking the "Block ability" checkbox. On the "Tools" tab, the relation to the other circuit breaker protection devices can be defined.


Reserve switch ability

If a circuit breaker does not open after a trip command, the protection device may select another "reserve" circuit breaker to open. On the circuit breaker form "General" tab this can be defined by ticking the "Reserve ability" checkbox. On the "Tools" tab, the relation to the other circuit breakers can be defined.


Directional sensitivity of a short-circuit indicator

Signalling a short-circuit current by a short-circuit indicator can be implemented with a directional sensitivity. This is used by the protection calculation - single fault.



For all objects the font can be specified on the tab sheet "Presentation".


Unbalanced load flow

The unbalanced load flow module has been implemented. The network is supposed to be three-phase balanced, but the loads may be unbalanced.


Changes in Types.xls(x)

The voltage transformer type has been added.



New in Vision 8.0



The Windows 7 ribbon has been implemented. The new ribbon structure is in accordance with the new computer operating systems standard. As a consequence, Windows XP is no longer supported.


Graphical editor

The schematic single line diagram editor uses the Direct2D-technology. This strongly improves the network visualization. As a consequence, Windows XP is no longer supported.


New in Vision 7.5


Load switch

The load switch has been provided with a type, containing rated voltage and current data.


Additional current transformer in the measure field

The measure field can contain two current transformers. The current transformer data are described by a type.


External grounding connection

A node may have an external grounding connection. This can serve as a common grounding point for the Wye-star-points of several components. For example, the star-poits of synchronous generators, synchronous motors, capacitor, shunt coil or transformer can be commonly grounded. This has consequences for the proper calculation of short-circuits with ground connection. See: Node.


Asynchronous starting of synchronous motors

Synchronous motors can start asynchronously. For the motor start calculation the parameters Ia/Inom and the R/X-ratio have been introduced. The short-circuit calculation still uses the synchronous machine subtransient reactance and the fictitious stator resistance.


Unbalanced load

In anticipation of the unbalanced load flow, the load has a form for definition of the unbalanced load.


Changes in Types.xls(x)

The load switch type has been added.

The current transformer type has been added..

The synchronous motor type has been extended with Ia/Inom and R/Xa for the motor starting calculation.



New in Vision 7.4



Check for abnormal values in the network model. See: Prepare.


Items visibility in forms

The visibility of items in the objects forms can be enabled or disabled in the Options. The visibility can be enabled for: Specifics, Note, Selection, Reliability and Variations. For each item a choice can be made from: never, if applied, always.


Measure field extra parameters

The next parameters have been added to the measure field: Inom (relocated from the circuit breaker), Ik,dynamic, Ik,thermic and tthermic. The Inom is tested in the load flow calculation. The Ik,dynamic is tested in the IEC 60909 short-circuit calculation. The Ik,thermic and tthermic are used to calculate the tmax in the IEC 60909 short-circuit calculation.



For all parameters in the component forms a hint will show up when moving the mouse pointer to a parameter name. The hint shows a short parameter description. The hint text is contained in the spreadsheet file VisionHintsEN.xlsx. See: Edit components.



A variant describes modifications to a network model that will occur on certain specified dates (in the future). Using variants, all stages of commissioning and decommissioning of network components can be evaluated. A variant is a list of events, specifying the dates where the objects will be taken in or out of service.



A scenario describes the settings and changes to objects parameters in the whole network. The changes can be independent of time but also a chronological table of events can be defined. The manipulable parameters are: switch state, transformer tap changer setting, real power, reactive power and apparent power. Several scenarios can be defined for a network. One scenario can be activated using the menu ribbon Home, ribbon group Variations, item Scenario. Using the selected scenario and date, all calculations will be made for this network state.



In previous versions the state was a set of properties of selected objects, that were stored in the network file. The stored properties are: node (simultaneousness), branch (switch state, tap changer position), element (switch state, absolute power (MW/kW), relative power (%), tap changer position). The stored states will be converted to a scenario without date.



A network study may be carried out for a moment in the future. The actual values of the loads depend on the load growth and the elapsed time from year zero. The load growth is defined in the load behaviour. The year for the load flow study can be set in the ribbon Home, ribbon group Time. As a result, all loads and transformer loads will be set according to their load growth and all calculations will be performed for that year.


Arc flash

An arc flash will normally be accompanied with a large amount of energy. Personell, working on an installation, must therefore be well protected. The arc flash function calculates the amount of energy that someone may be exposed to. The maximum amount of energy determines the protection grade of protective clothing.


Capacitor and coil grounding

It has been made possible to ground the capacitor and the coil through a grounding impedance. This influences the unbalanced calculations.


Changes in Types.xls(x)

In the types file Types.xls(x) the Drop-out/Pick-up ratio has been added for fixed-time over-current protections.


Edit Special, Profile situation

This operation brings the network in a specific state for time-independent calculations (other than the load flow calculation) that normally do not consider profiles. See: Profile situation.



New in Vision 7.3



The accumulator has been added as an element for the storage of electrical energy. In a load flow calculation using load profiles, the accumulator stores or produces electrical energy, according to the specified accumulator profile. The state of charge depends on the starting value, the storage capacity and the accumulator profile. During the charging and the discharging processes, the state of charge does not exceed the physical limits.


Measure field

The presence of a current measuring transformer and a voltage measuring transformer can be specified for informative purpose. A measure field can be placed in a node or in a bay on either side of a branch or to an element.


Zoom selected at the next sheet

The function 'Zoom selected at the next sheet' enables the user to browse through the network sheets for any selected objects. With this function, all multiple presentations of one object can be found quickly. The function is available through: View | Zoom selected | At the next sheet or with shortcut key 8.


Details of detailed results presented in table of cells

The details of a detailed results form, mostly tables with values, are presented in tables, consisting of cells. Each cell is containing one value. These tables can also be converted into tables of text values an can also be exported into Excel. A selection of cells can be copied into the computer clipboard.


One fault resistance for a selectivity calculation

The choice for ranges of fault resistances for a selectivity calculation has been extended with the choice of only one fault resistance. The choice can be made in the Options, at Calculation | Protection.


Exporting the results of a selectivity calculation

The results of a selectivity calculation can be exported to Excel in a fixed format, using: Calculation | Results | Export.


External profiles

The load flow calculation with profiles can be executed using a file of time related factors for loads, generators and accumulators. Unlike the profiles, the external profiles have an absolute relation to the time. The external profiles can be defined using Excel.


Sheet names in the views

The names of all the sheets where nodes have a presentation, can be printed in the views. The printing can be enabled in the view definitions.


Cable type names extended to 40 characters

The cable type names have been extended from 30 to 40 characters.


Earth fault current and response time of a short circuit indicator

The attribute 'Current' of a short circuit indicator has been split into a 'Phase current' and an 'Earth current'. Also, the 'Response time' has been added as a delaying time. The short circuit indicator actions can be monitored using the protection calculation with Single Fault.



There are no changes in the types.xls type file.



New in Vision 7.2.1


Reconfiguration of a transformer load

A transformer load can be decomposed into a transformer, a secondary node and a load. All properties are transformed into the new configuration. Select the transformer load and choose: Start | Edit | Split.


Types identification and rated voltage

A component type will be identified by its name in combination with its rated voltage (Unom), falling within a range. As a result, in Types.xls object types may have duplicate names if their rated voltage are not in the same range. For example, LV cables and MV cables with the same name may occur.


Cable calculation steps close to nodes

The number of cable calculation steps can be defined for protection and network analysis calculations. An option has been added to simulate short-circuits close to the from and to nodes (1% and 99% of distance).



New in Vision 7.2


Fault location estimation

After defining the cable type attribute Pulse velocity, the distance from a node to a short-circuit location can be calculated from a measured Pulse duration. The calculation can be made on the Reliability form of the cable.


Additional type file

The basic object types can be augmented with a user-defined additional type file. Its location can be specified in the Options, at File locations. If type names have been used more than once, the basic type will be used.


Second earth fault protection

A second earth fault protection has been added to the circuit breaker.


Fault impedance

The impedance on the fault location can be defined for the impedance between the phases (Zpp) and te impedance between phases and ground (Zpe). These impedances are used by the Fault analysis and Protection calculation.



New in Vision 7.1.1


Protection, One fault

The protection sequence can be evaluated for a fault on a single object/location. This is principally the same calculation as the Protection | Simulation calculation, but always executed for one fault on one specific object/location only. With this calculation, more detailed results are available during the sequences of the protection actions. See: Protection, Calculation.


To add a network

A network can be added using Tools | Compare | Add a network. The network that will be added must be opened as a separate network. The addition is done by adding the network sheets. Possible identical objects will not be added.


Import function moved

The function to import objects data from an Excel spreadsheet file has been moved to: Tools | Data.



The network data can be exported to Excel in a fixed format, using Tools | Data | Export.



New in Vision 7.1


Profile sorts

The profiles have been extended with a time related sort. This implies that profile values can be related to months, weeks, days, hours or quarters of an hour. The existing free profile sort remains for not explicitly time-related values. The profiles are used by the load flow.



All objects can receive a user-defined note, to indicate special circumstances. This note will be presented in a yellow frame close to the concerning object. The frame cannot be moved and its size does not depend on the zoom level, so that it is always visible.


Cables parallel circuits

Each cable connection can be made up of parallel circuits. Inputting the number of parallel circuits replaces the need to model each circuit explicitly. The advantage is that commonly protected parallel cables do not need an extra dummy node and a link. Moreover, the one line diagram will be simpler.


Link electrical properties

The electrical properties of a link are fixed. However, from this version the rated current Inom and the maximum short-circuit current Ik(1s) can be specified. If specified, the loading will be presented in the results. If not specified, the link is assumed to be infinitely strong and its loading will not be presented.


Ripple control calculation in the macro’s

The ripple control calculation can be executed from a macro. See: Macrocommand Ripple.


Type for harmonics norm

The harmonic load flow results can be validated to a norm, defining the maximum values for each frequency. The norm is defined in the Types.xls. Starting the harmonic load flow the user chooses the desired norm.



New in Vision 7.0



The Vision Main menu has been replaced by a 'ribbon': a set of toolbars on various tab pages. Microsoft introduced the ribbons in Office 2007 and consecutively in Windows 7 and Office 2010. Many programs will adapt the new ribbons structure.


Load behaviour and growth

The load behaviour has been split into load behaviour and load growth. Load behaviour defines the voltage dependency of the load power. Load growth defines growth percentage and scale factors. The latter has been enhanced with a 30 years definition. When opening a previous version network, the load behaviour automatically will be split into the new definition.

Six fixed load growth scenarios have been programmed: No growth, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%, exponentially per year. Besides, a user defined growth scenario can be selected.

Standard the load flow calculates the load situation at the end of the specified time period (in years). From this version, the load flow also calculates the grow path during the specified time period. Each year will be calculated separately and the results can be examined graphically as a function of the time.


Motor start in the view

In the views definition the user can choose for either presentation of the results before, during and after the motor start or for the presentation of only the results during the motor start.


Cost calculation

The cables investments cost have been introduced in the cost calculation. The specific cable investment cost has been included in Types.xls.

For each year a load flow will be performed and the cost of losses will be calculated. Also non-continuous growth will be taken into account.


Zero sequence impedance of MV/LV transformers

The R0 and Z0 of standard transformers in Types.xls have been specified for MV/LV distribution transformers.


Preferred types

All component types in Types.xls have been supplied with a column ‘Prefer’. For each type a ‘true’ or ‘false’ indicates whether it is a preferred type.

Preferred types appear on top of the type selection lists in the component forms.


Ripple control

One or more ripple control sources can be placed in the network. The sources are specified on the tab page 'Specifics' of the node form.

The specification are: frequency, voltage and angle. The function calculates the ripple control voltage propagation through the network. The results are presented in graphs and tables.