Define views

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Define views

By defining Views you can determine which information (such as name, type or voltage) is displayed in the diagram. This view also appears on the graphic printout. By default, a built-in view has been set. You can define a view yourself with Tools | Definitions | Views. A view can be chosen with View | View <View name>.


View definitions are saved in the VisionViews.ini configuration file.


For each main component type it can be indicated which data is displayed in the view. If New is chosen, a name for this view must be specified. The data can subsequently be defined on the tabs with the names of the main component types. The views can be specified for both the Edit mode and the Result mode.


View of input data

Input data can be selected for each main component type. This can be done for junction, branch, element and switch / protection. Not all input data is available.


View of calculated results

The calculated results can be selected per main component type. This can be done for the categories node, branch, element and switch / protection. Not all the result data are available. The calculation results are grouped on the tabs for based on the type of calculation.


Decimal reduction of results

By omitting decimals for larger values, the view of the network becomes clearer. The decimal reduction level can be specified on the Other tab. Possible values for decimal reduction are 0, 1, 2 and 3. This value roughly corresponds to the number of decimal places to be omitted. In order not to compromise on accuracy, the amount of decimals which are omitted is limited.


Copy view

A view can be copied to a new view by right-clicking in the list of views and then selecting Copy from the pop-up menu.