Protection: Calculation

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Protection: Calculation

The protection analysis examines the correctness of type and parameter specifications. Vision checks the thermal load of branches and the protection selectivity. For this Vision automatically creates short circuits on user specified nodes, by using the fault analysis method. The calculations may be verified in detail by executing a fault analysis study.

Also faults in cables and connections can be simulated. In that case, in the Options the Cable calculation steps must be non-zero. It defines the number of equidistant short-circuit places in each cable or connection. An option has been added to simulate short-circuits close to the from and to nodes (1% and 99% of distance).


Also the consequences of a protection or circuit breaker operating failure can be analysed. If this option is switched on, extra calculations will be made and extra results will be visible.  


Vision has four types of protection calculations:



Fault location

Fault type

Fault impedance


One fault

One selected object

One fault type

One fault impedance

Details of nodes and branches


Multiple selected objects

Multiple fault types

One fault impedance

Details of nodes and summary of branches


Multiple selected objects

Multiple fault types

A range of fault resistances

Selectivity of nodes and branches


Multiple selected objects

A range of fault types

Three fault resistances (fixed)

Undesired events


Fault location: the user selects one or multiple fault locations
Fault type: short-circuit between phase and ground, between two phases, between two phases and ground of between three phases; a range of fault types is specified in the Options, at: Calculation | Network analysis | Voltage dip analysis and protection analysis.
Fault impedance:resistance and reactance on the fault location; to be specified by the user; a range of fault resistances is specified in the Options, at: Calculation | Protection; the three fault resistances for the protection analysis are fixed


One fault (Simulation)

The protection sequence can be evaluated for a fault on a single object/location. This is principally the same calculation as the Simulation calculation, but always executed for one fault on one specific object/location only. With this calculation, many detailed voltage and current results are available during the sequences of the protection actions.

The results are:

Protection switching sequence details

Short-circuit location short-circuit currents during the protection switching sequence (maximum value for the 3 phases)

Node voltages during the protection switching sequence (minimum value for the 3 phases)

Branch and element currents during the protection switching sequence (maximum value for the 3 phases)

Branch I²t

Faulted node I²t


The colour indications are as follows:

Nodes, branches and elements that are thermally overloaded: too high colour

Short-circuit indicators that tripped: attention colour

Protection devices that have picked up: attention colour

Protection devices that have tripped: trip colour

Circuit breakers and fuses that have switched off: out colour


This analysis is input by the user as follows:

select the object for wich the protection has to be evaluated

choose Calculation | Calculation | Protection | One fault

choose fault type

specify fault impedance, like in Fault analysis

leave the form with OK.



Executing a simulation analysis the next steps are carried out:

a specified fault is created on a specified node or in a branch

hereafter all network currents are calculated

next all protection switch off times are determined

the first tripping protection opens the switch

the network currents are determined again

if necessary and available the next switch opens

the process is repeated until the fault is isolated.


This analysis is input by the user as follows:

select the nodes for wich the protection have to be evaluated

choose Calculation | Calculation | Protection

choose the fault types

specify fault impedance, like in Fault analysis

specify the option to include protection or circuit breaker operating failure

leave the form with OK.



Executing a selectivity analysis the next steps are carried out:

for a specified fault type several faults, each having a different fault impedance (see: Options), are created on the specified nodes

for each fault all network currents are calculated

for all protection devices all switch off times are calculated and saved

the tripped switches are opened

then all changed network currents and changed switch off timed are calculated

the tripped switches are opened and the previous step us repeated until the short circuit has been switched off


Result are current and time curves generated by various fault impedances. Presented in graphs, these curves provide insight in the protection selectivity.


This analysis is input by the user as follows:

select the nodes for wich the protection have to be evaluated

choose Calculation | Calculation | Protection

choose the fault types

leave the form with OK.



The protection analysis function analyses the protection settings, in combination with the possibility that they refuse to operate. See: Protection analysis.


User settings

Cable calculation steps

The number of equidistant places within the cable/line where short circuits are to be simulated, can be specified with the number of cable calculation steps. An option has been added to simulate short-circuits close to the from and to nodes (1% and 99% of distance).


See also:


Maximum current protection characteristic
