Deleting objects

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Deleting objects

Selected components can be deleted as follows:

via the keyboard: press the Delete key

via the menu: choose Start | Edit | Delete | Selected


Before the object will be deleted a warning will be given if not all the selected objects are currently visible.

Before the object will be deleted a warning will be given if any of the selected objects have multiple representations.


When deleting an object with multiple representations only the presentation of the object will be deleted. If the object only has one representation the entire object will be deleted.


A busbar system can be removed if all the nodes of the busbar system are selected, by using: Start | Edit | Delete | Busbar system. The nodes of the busbar system will not be deleted, only converted to ordinary nodes.

If both lines are selected, a mutual coupling between two lines can be deleted by: Start | Edit | Delete | Mutual Coupling. Only the coupling between the lines will be deleted, the lines will remain.

A load behaviour that is not in use, can be deleted using Start | Edit | Delete | Load behaviour. A menu will pop-up in which the load behaviour that should be deleted can be selected.

A growth that is not in use, can be deleted using Start | Edit | Delete | Growth. A menu will pop-up in which the growth that should be deleted can be selected.

A profile (load or generation) that is not in use, can be deleted using Start | Edit | Delete | Profile. A menu will pop-up in which the profile that should be deleted can be selected.

A selection can be deleted using Start | Edit | Delete | Selection. A menu will pop-up in which the selection that should be deleted can be selected.The components in the deleted selection will not be deleted.

Specifics of a selected object can be deleted using Start | Edit | Delete | Specifics. See: Specifics


Take out a node

A node between two branches can be taken out, joining the two cables connecting the node. The node may not have any connection to other branches, elements, switches and protection devices.


Select the node that has to be taken out and choose Start | Edit | Topological | Take out.