<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Components and parameters > Other > Specifics |
For almost all objects an user can input specific remarks. A specific remark consists of a Characteristic and a Value.
Specifics can be specified in the Specifics tab of a certain object. Specifics can be added by placing the cursor in a free input field or in the last entry and pressing the 'cursor down' key. For a new entry both its Characteristic and Value can be freely defined by the user.
Both the Characteristic and the Value of the specifics can be shown on the network by selecting it in Views.
If a Characteristic has been preceded by a /, only the Value will be shown.
If a Characteristic has been preceded by a //, neither the Characteristic nor the Value will not be shown.
With Start | Select | Specific all the specifics in the network can be listed. Selections can be made based on these specifics.
Removing Specific
Components Specifics can be removed by using Start | Edit | Delete | Specific. The specifics of all selected components are presented in a table. The contents of this table can be sorted by clicking the table headers. Selected specifics are removed by pressing the OK button.
Deleting specifics using text
Objects can be deleted by means of a text, appearing in the characteristic or the value of a specific (remark). First, select all relevant objects. Secondly, choose Start | Edit | Delete | Specific. The functionality optionally uses case-sensitivity and wildcard characters.
Characteristic is a short text description of the specific.
Value is numbers, text or a reference to a file location or web address.
Besides a comment, also links to documents, spreadsheets, pictures and web addresses can be enclosed in the network file. The links are implemented as hyperlinks.
'C\My documents\documentation.doc',
'C:\My pictures\substation.bmp',
With the '...' button, a dialogue window opens and a file can be selected as value.
By selecting a link, the matching program is started by pressing the [-->] (go to) button.
The text %name% is first replaced by the name of the object.
The text %id% is first replaced by the ID of the node.
The text %type% is first replaced by the type name of the object.
The text %<variable>% is first replaced by the network variable value or the Vision variable value or the Windows environment variable value.
For example, for an object named "Node123" with the following value in the details:
'C: \ My pictures \% name% .bmp',
Pressing the [-->] button will open the file:
'C: \ My pictures \ Node123.bmp'