Voltage dip analysis: Result

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Voltage dip analysis: Result

The results of a network analysis calculation can be viewed in three ways:

in the node detail output form: the maximum voltage dip and the maximum dip duration

extended detail for each node: table with voltage dip frequencies, classified in 9 dip depth categories and 9 dip duration categories

graphically for each node: circles diagram of voltage dip frequencies, classified in 9 dip depth categories and 9 dip duration categories


Extended detail output form

Next table presents an example of the voltage dip frequencies for one node "Substation", classified in 9 dip depth categories and 9 dip duration categories.


Network analysis details table



Circles diagram

Next graph presents an example of the voltage dip frequencies for one node "Substation", classified in 9 dip depth categories and 9 dip duration categories. The circle size represents the frequency.


Network analysis details graph



See also:

