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Selecting objects
It is necessary that objects are selected, for almost all operations. Selecting and deselecting can be performed in the following ways:
•by clicking on the component using the left mouse button
•by making a rectangle while holding down the left mouse button; when dragging from left to right, the objects that completely lie in the rectangle are selected; when dragging from right to left, the objects that partly lie in the rectangle are selected
•via the menu Start | Select
By selecting a object, the previously selected objects are deselected. Additional (de)selecting is done by selecting an object while pressed the Ctrl-key.
The status 'selected' is linked to the object. As a result, when an object is selected on a single sheet, the object is also selected on all other sheets where it is graphically represented. All representations of an object are thus selected simultaneously or not selected at all.
A selection of objects can be temporary stored to the memory. This selection can also be modified. See: Memory selection.
Selected objects can be saved as a selection in the network file.
Insert | Miscellaneous | Selection is used to add a selection to the network file.
Start | Edit | Selection is used to change the name, colour and content of the section.
Start | Edit | Delete | Selection is used to delete a selection. The selected objects are not deleted.
Start | Select | Object can be used to indicate which components are selected. A subdivision has been made between Node, Branch, Element, Switch and protection, Text, Frame, Load behaviours, Growth, Profile, Variant, Scenario, Selection and Presentation. With Load behaviour all (transformer) loads which have a specified load behaviour are selected. With Profile all the elements with the specified profile are selected.
For node, nodes can also be selected based on their voltage level.
All branches of a chosen species can also be selected for branch.
With element, all elements of a chosen type can be selected.
All switches and protection devices of a chosen type can also be selected for switch and protection.
In Options | General | Select mode, you can set whether only objects on the active sheet are selected or objects on all sheets the sheets are selected.
Before applying a selection all objects currently selected are deselected.
Object not
Start | Select | Object not can be used to deselect components.
It is possible to find components by their Name, ID, Text, Type and Specifics, using Start | Select | Find or the shortcut key Ctrl-F. The asterisk is used as wildcard. The found objects will be selected. Another selection will be lost.
For all components the user may input specific remarks. With Start | Select | Specifics all user defined specifics can be viewed in a summary. Using this objects may also be selected.
Selecting specifics by text
Objects can be selected by means of a text, appearing in the characteristic or the value of a specific (remark). The functionality optionally uses case-sensitivity and wildcard characters.
Objects can also be selected based on the presence of a characteristic. The available characteristics are shown in a list.
Objects can also be selected based on the value of a particular attribute. The available characteristics and (after selecting) associated values are shown in a list.
Objects can also be selected based on the presence of a value. All available values are shown in a list.
All objects are deselected beforehand.
Start | Select | Type is used to select all components of particular types.
With advanced selection it is possible to select or deselect objects based on any parameter or calculation result, according to the mark-up of a report, to be selected.
Choose Start | Select | Advanced
Choose the tab of the component type to be selected
Choose a report containing the parameter or result
Click on the specific parameter or result column header to sort the values
Select a range of components from this list based on this parameter
Press OK.
The selected rows can also be copied (by right clicking on them) and pasted into Excel.
With Start | Select | Adjacent adjacent components can be selected:
•node connected to a selected branch
•node connected to a selected element
•branch connected to a selected node
•branch in between two selected nodes
•element at a selected node
•switch in a selected object.
•object of the selected switch
Use Start | Select | Special to selects objects with special characteristics:
•branches in which one or more switches are open
•objects with a double ID
•branches that are part of a subnet border
•connections with a mutual connection
•objects with a certain revision date
•cables with a 0.1 Hz measurement file in the specified folder
•nodes, circuit breakers and short-circuit indicators with remote status indication
•measurement fields with a power measurement.
Start | Select | Previous is used to select the components that were selected previously.
With Start | Select | Island or Ctrl-E all the network components which are not connected to a source or a special synchronous generator can be selected.
With Start | Select | Mesh or Ctrl+M all branches part of a mesh will be selected. In a mesh a branch can be opened without islanding any nodes.
A trace is a continuous path of nodes and branches, which starts at a certain starting point and ends at a net opening or at the end of a radial network. The functionality depends on the Options | select mode. If All sheets is chosen, the function will selects the trace in the whole network. If not, the function selects the traced objects only on the active sheet.
oa node with a branch in the desired direction or
oa switch/protection of
oa node or an element
•choose Start | Select | Trace or Ctrl-T
The electrically connected network from the selected node in the direction of the selected branch is selected.
The shortest route (smallest number of branches) between two selected nodes/elements can be selected using Start | Select | Route or Ctrl-R. The functionality depends on the Options | select mode. If All sheets is chosen, the function will selects the shortest route in the whole network. If not, the function only selects the objects part of the shortest route on the active sheet.
The shortest route (smallest number of branches) between a node/element and a source can be selected with Start | Select | Source.
Using Start | Select | Group or Ctrl+G the whole group of one or more selected components will be selected. A group is enclosed by a protection device or an open switch.
With Start | Select | Direction, the entire direction of one or more selected objects is selected.
With Start | Select | Area the entire area of one or more selected objects is selected.
An area contains all objects with the same power supply (if multiple power supplies are linked through the same voltage level, all of these power supplies are selected).
Start | Select | Inverse or Ctrl+I is used to invert the selection.
Start | Select | All or Ctrl+A is used to select all components.