Menu and mouse control

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Menu and mouse control

Most control actions take place using the ribbon menu and the mouse. Conveniently, most of the functions have been grouped according to their usage and are accommodated in different ribbon tabs. In most cases one can chose between using the ribbon menu or the right mouse button. Some functions can only be performed through the use of either the menu or the mouse.


Most Network file operations are collected in the "bestand" menu in the upper left corner.


Actions that can be executed via the menu, i.e. the ribbon, the ribbon groups and the associated items, are indicated in bold letters in this manual. The consecutive actions are separated with vertical dashes. For example, a transformer can be inserted with Insert | Branches | Transformer, which means: first select the "Insert" ribbon tab and then select the item "Transformer" in the ribbon group "Branches".




The selection concept is the same as the Windows-standard. This means the selection of one object by means of mouse-clicking automatically de-selects the previously selected objects. Selecting additional objects can be done by selecting an object while holding down the Ctrl-key.




Work area

Add node (busbar)

Click on desired location with left mouse button

Choose Insert | Node | Node

Click on desired location with right mouse button

Choose Node from pop-up menu




Add element

(e.g. generator or load)

Select one node using the left mouse button

Choose Insert | Elements | <Element>

Select one node

Click on free work area using the right mouse button

Choose <Element> from pop-up menu




Add branch

(e.g. cable or transformer)

Select two nodes using the left mouse button

Choose Insert | Branches | <Branch>

Select two nodes

Click on a free work area space using the right mouse button

Choose <Branch> from the pop-up menu




Add switch or protection (e.g. fuse or separator)

select one branch or element and one connected node using the left mouse button

Choose Insert | Switches and protections | <Switch or Protection>

select one branch or element and one connected node using the left mouse button

Click on free work area using the right mouse button

Choose <Switch or Protection> from the pop-up menu






Start | Select | Component ... All

Select an area by dragging with the left mouse button pressed


Click on component using the left mouse button


Ctrl-Click on components using the left mouse button






Start | Select | Component not, Special, Inverse

Ctrl-Click on the selected component using the left mouse button

Click on free work area using the left mouse button (deselect all)




Change component

Select component

Choose Start | Edit | Parameters

Click on component using the right mouse button (in Edit mode)




Change node length


Move the end of a node while holding down the left mouse button




Scroll through network

Cursor buttons

Pressed the Alt-key and the left mouse button




Zoom in and out

Choose View | Zoom | Zoom in ... Zoom rectangle

Make a window by pressing Shift + holding down the left mouse button (zoom in)






Hold down shift and click in work area using the left mouse button




Move a component


Select the object and move it while pressing the left mouse button




Move several components


Select components to be moved

Move the components while pressing the left mouse button




Put a bend in a branch

Click on the desired bend location on the branch using the left mouse button

Choose Start | Edit | Bend

Move the desired part of the branch while holding down the left mouse button

Click on the desired bend location on the branch using the left mouse button

Click on a free work area using the right mouse button

Choose Bend from the pop-up menu

Move the desired part of the branch while holding down the left mouse button




Delete components

Select components to be deleted

Choose Start | Edit |  Delete | Selected

Select the components to be deleted

Press <Delete>




Perform calculation

Choose Calculate | Basic ... Special | <Calculation>





Present results

Select the desired components

Choose Calculate | Results | General ... Detailed graph

Click on an object using the right mouse button (in Result mode)