Beveiligingsanalyse: Resultaat

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Beveiligingsanalyse: Resultaat

The results are presented in tabular form via the "Details" button in the detail results form of nodes and cables/connections.

The results can also be exported to Excel.


The security analysis reports on undesired events, such as:

Wrongly disabling protections

Not disabling protections

Late disabling protections

Remaining (persistent) fault current after disabling

Unavailable nodes after tripping

Thermal overload during and after switching off

Current overload after switching off


Reported by fault over:

Causes: undesirable events on the grid (unavailable nodes, thermal overload, current overload, unjustified, not or late tripping of protective devices or residual fault current), related to short circuits on the Fault Object

Consequences: undesired events on the Consequence Object (unavailable nodes, thermal overload or current overload), due to short circuits on nodes or cables/connections in the grid.


If the results are viewed by right-clicking on an object, that object is the Fault object in the Causes list and the object is the Consequence object in the Consequences list.


Details of all causes and consequences are reported on:

Frequency (per year)

Consequence (causes, effects): undesired event

Fault object: the disturbed object causing the unwanted event

Distance (%): simulated fault distance in the Fault Object (if cable or connection)

Type: simulated short circuit

R (Ohm): fault resistance of the simulated short circuit

n: number of rejected protections

Refusal1: first instance refusing protection

Refusal2: second instance refusal protection


Colour indication

Nodes, branches and connections are displayed with the colour High if the number of causes or effects is greater than zero.

The colours can be defined in the Options, under Calculation | General.


See also:

