Vision: info calculations

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Vision: info calculations

Load flow

Newton Rapson method

calculation of:

onetwork load and voltage management

otransformer tap setting

ostarting current and voltage dip on motor starting

on-1 analysis

oresidual capacity

ovoltage dips

onetwork losses.


IEC 60909

superposition method in accordance with IEC 60909

passive network model

symmetrical and asymmetrical short-circuit calculations

calculation of:

osubtransient short-circuit current and short-circuit power

opeak short-circuit current

oadmissible short-circuit duration

oR/X ratio of the network at the fault location

oall network currents per phase.


Fault analysis

active network model

symmetrical and asymmetrical fault analysis

fault impedances

opening switches

cross-country fault analysis

calculation of:

osubtransient short-circuit current

oall currents and voltages (per phase or per symmetrical component, both absolute and complex).



failure modes:

osingle mode failure

osingle mode failure plus protection failure

ocommon cause failure

omaintenance plus single mode failure

restoration process:

osignal a failure

oactivate recovery and repair crew

olocate faulted component

oisolate faulted component

orecover energy service

calculation of:

oF, Outage Frequency

oD, Outage Duration

oP, Outage Duration per year

oP, Outage Probability

oENS, Energy Not Served

oP*BC: large customers outage duration

oP*SC: small customers outage duration





ocircuit breaker

ocurrent protection

oearth fault protection

ovoltage protection

odistance protection

odifferential protection

calculation of:






calculation of:

oharmonic load flow

ofrequency spectrum


Network analysis

analysis of:

ovoltage dips





powerful programming language

sensitivity analyses

repetitive operations and calculations


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