Options Editor Appearance

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Options Editor Appearance

Used to define the View | Appearance in Edit mode and View | Appearance in Result mode for input and result dependent symbols. All colours can be changed by mouse clicking a colour. In View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, one can also define to overrule another colour scheme in case of an Open  switch, Island, Mesh or Multiple presentation.


Power and current

If chosen Power or Current in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Symbol, the element symbol will be a coloured circle. The circle size depends on the actual or set power or current. The symbol size defines the relative size for all the circles.



If chosen Voltage in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Colour, the objects will be coloured according to the voltage scheme for voltage levels below and above 1, 30 and 100 kV.


Open switch

If chosen Open switch in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Style, the line style for branches and elements with opened switches will be as defined. The style can be chosen from a number or predefined styles.

If chosen Open switch in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Colour, the colour of branches and elements with opened switches will be as defined.



The Other colour is used for several purposes. One of them is the presentation colour of objects with multiple presentation. Another is the presentation colour of objects which are part of a mesh.

If chosen Mesh in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Colour, the objects which are part of a mesh will be coloured in the Other colour.

If chosen Multiple presentation in View | Appearance in Edit/Result mode, on tab Colour, the objects which are present on more sheets will be coloured in the Other colour.