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Set conditional formatting of some cells of a worksheet of a workbook with FileIndex. Only FileIndex 0 is supported.
General notation:
AddFormatCondition ( FileIndex , sheet , row1 , column1 , row2 , column2 , ConditionType, Operator, Formula, FontColour, CellColour )
The range of cells can be accessed through the row and column numbers. The values row1 and column1 indicate the top-left corner of the array and row2 and column2 the bottom-right corner.
ConditionType is an integer with the following meaning:
1 Cell value
2 Expression
3 Colour scale
4 Databar
5 Top 10 values
6 Icon set
8 Unique values
9 Text string
10 Blanks condition
11 Time period
12 Above average condition
13 No blanks condition
16 Errors condition
17 No errors condition
Operator is an integer with the following meaning:
1 between
2 not between
3 equal
4 not equal
5 greater than
6 less than
7 greater than or equal to
8 less than or equal to
The value FontColour and CellColour is an integer value is between 0 and 14, corresponding to the colours:
0 no special colour
1 grey
2 light grey
3 navy blue
4 blue
5 aquamarine
6 purple
7 pink
8 green
9 light green
10 blue-green
11 red-brown
12 red
13 yellow
14 white