Edit collective

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Edit collective

A selection of components can be changed in one go with the use of collective edit. Normally, this function only works for the objects on the visible sheet. If the checkbox All sheets has been checked, the collective edit will apply to all selected objects throughout all the sheets.

Depending on the type of components (node, branch, element, switch/protection or all) collective editing goes as follows:

choose Start | Edit | Collective |  { Object, Node, Branch, Element, Switch/protection, Presentation }

indicate which parameters should be changed using the checkboxes

give the new values

leave the form by clicking OK


Changing Unom for nodes collectively

It is possible to collectively change the nominal voltage of a group of nodes. If the nodes are connected by cables, connections, reactance coils or links, it is only allowed to change all the connected nodes together. If the nodes are connected with transformers, it is only allowed to change the voltage to a value within 20% of the voltage levels indicated by the transformerwindings.