Special, Simultaneity

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Special, Simultaneity

Semi-automatic simultaneity calculation

The nodal simultaneity (or diversity/coincidence) factors can be adjusted, so they correspond to a specified current through a certain branch. Using this function the simultaneity factors can be calculated so that the computed branch current from the load flow matches a measured value.

First select all the nodes for which the simultaneity factors have to be calculated. For instance: select all the nodes belonging to a certain feeder. Also at least one branch (link, cable, connection or reactance coil) for which the calculated current should match a specified value, has to be selected.


Choose: Start | Edit | Special | Simultaneity | Interactive


Using the form the selected nodes become visible in a table. The user can change the selection (and thus the nodes which are taken into account in the calculation) in this table.


In the same form a choice can be made for a single branch, for which the calculated current should match the user specified current. For the selected branch the load flow current and power for the actual load is calculated and is presented in the form. In the input fields the desired current of power value for this branch can be specified.

The user can choose whether the simultaneity factors for the selected nodes should be determined in a relative way or in an absolute way. Relative means that the actual simultaneity factors will be corrected equally. Absolute means that the simultaneity factors will be updated to one and the same value.


Using the Calculate button the simultaneity factors will be adapted in such a way that the current or power through the selected branch matches the desired value. If the desired value is feasible, the value is shown in black. If the calculated value is infeasible, the calculated value is shown in red.


On leaving the form with OK the simultaneity factors of the selected nodes are saved.



Automatic simultaneity calculation

The simultaneity factors between nodes can be calculated automatically so that they correspond to a specified current or power through a measuring field.


Select Start | Edit | Special | Simultaneity | From measurement units


Select a date range.

All measurement fields with the biggest current measurement or power measurement are shown in the selection form. The value of the measurements will therefore be ending at ' A', ' kW', ' MW', ' kVA' or ' MVA'.

The measurement fields that were selected before opening the form, have already been pre-selected in the table. Select the desired measurement fields and leave the form with OK.

Generators and capacitors are turned off during the calculation of the simultaneity factors.

After the calculation, an overview of the adjustments is shown.



Automatic concurrency calculation via a file

The simultaneity factors between nodes can also be calculated automatically so that they correspond to a specified current through a branch.


Select Start | Edit | Special | Simultaneity | From file


Select the Excel file with the measurements.

A specific worksheet must have the name 'cable', 'connection', 'link', 'reactance coil' or 'transformer'.

There are three possibilities for the columns:

two columns: branch name and current

three columns: from node name, to node name, and current

four columns: branch name, from node name, to node name, and current


Generators and capacitors are turned off during the simultaneity calculation.

After the calculation, an overview of the adjustments is shown