Gaia LV Network Design
Design of LV grids based on both technical and economical criteria
Vision Network Analysis is a program for planning, design and evaluation of power systems. The package makes it easy to perform load flow, short-circuit and dynamic calculations, also fault and reliability analyses. Additionally, Vision Network Analysis allows the user to simulate the operation of protection features. Vision Network Analysis is suitable for large and small grids; it is used for transport, distribution and industrial power grids.
Due to new technical developments and feedback from our users, we are continuously perfecting Vision Network Analysis.
For Phase to Phase, functionality, user interface, and visualization techniques are as important as mathematical modeling.
In addition to static analyses, transient phenomena can also be studied with Vision Network Analysis. The Dynamic Analysis module is an advanced and efficient tool for the simulation of transients.
With Vision Grid Navigator you can switch between schematic and geographical display. The program provides useful insight by linking load flow results from Vision Network Analysis to GIS data.
Vision Network Analysis is particularly suitable for HV/MV transport grid studies. The program supports the grid planner with load flow based studies such as n-1/n-2 analysis and long-term profile analyses.
In addition to short-circuit current calculations according to IEC 60909, more flexible error analyses can be carried out as well. The sequential fault analysis module gives the user more insight into complex situations in disturbed objects.
Vision Network Analysis is also the ideal tool for the design and analysis of distribution grids. For these grids, some special functions are available.
The reliability module is specifically designed for use in MV distribution networks.This module calculates the reliability key figures of commonly used meshed and radial network configurations.
The failure analysis module analyses the course and restoration of the electricity supply in the event of grid faults.
The voltage dip analysis combines reliability analysis, short-circuit current calculations and protection analysis. The result is a statistical overview of the power quality.
With Vision Network Analysis, industry and engineering consultancies have everything in-house for the design and planning of LV, MV and HV industrial networks.
The program offers, in addition to the basic calculations, extra functionalities as dynamic analysis, arc flash analysis, and protection analysis, thus providing all the necessary tools to ensure effective, reliable and safe operation.
The results of calculations are displayed directly in the grid diagram, based on the user-defined view. Voltage problems and overloads are quickly identified through colour coding. Detailed information and reports are available for all components.
Various graphs allow the comparison of alternatives. The presentation of all objects can be sorted according to trajectory, calculated result or alphabetical order.
You can download the latest version of Vision Network Analysis here. Without a license, Vision Network Analysis can only be used in demonstration mode. For a license or more information, contact info@phasetophase.nl.